Street Fighter X Mega Man is a new platform game starring Mega Man with completely new levels. The enemies at the end of each level, instead of being the ones from the previous versions of the game, are the classic characters from Street Fighter, such as Ryu, Blanka, and Chun Li.
Mega Man also has new weapons and skills, giving him even more ways to crush his opponents. And he's going to need all of them if he's going to defeat the eight all-new enemies that stand in his way.
Among the new weapons that you can use, there is a type of energy barrier that you can use to block attacks, a laser beam which is more powerful than a normal shot, and some Chun Li style super ninja kicks that will devastate your enemies at short-range.
The graphics are the same as the older games of the franchise. That is, the biggest enthusiasts will feel right at home when they try Street Fighter X Mega Man for the first time.
Street Fighter X Mega Man is a very fun platform game that conserves all the elements that made it so good originally, but offers totally new experiences for the biggest fans of the saga.
More than awesome.